What does Web Hosting Checker do?
Web Hosting Checker + Whois is available on whoiswebhosting.com. Simply enter the website URL or IPv4 / IPv6 address in our Website Hosting Checker's Input / Url field, then it will check and display the server IP address, the time zone on the server, domain name and the name of the hosting service provider. Where possible, it tries and determines the host's operating system, the web server's response status and redirect information, too.
It can also provide other important information about the entered site. It can tell the type of service being used, the location of the service provider, the server on which the hosting service is being provided, and in certain cases the details of the domain owner and the email address.
It's a handy tool for SEOs, website owners and webmasters. They want to know exactly where their service is being hosted from, and if the servers are in a secure location and well managed.
What is an IP address?
An IP address (Internet Protocol) is a physical address of a server (computer) on the Internet. It is written as a series of four numbers, separated by periods. Each of the numbers ranges from 0 to 255. It is where the actual website resides.
As an example, consider It is the IP address of one of the servers (computers) that hosts the "yahoo.com" web portal.
Any Internet server is identified by a particular IP address. This server hosts one or more websites, and makes them accessible to online users.
What is a domain name?
A domain name is a Net resource name that corresponds to a specific IP address of a server host on the Internet. It is a website address that you type in the browser's address bar to open any web page.
An example of the domain name is - google.com. Remember, the complete site's URL you see in the browser's address bar may look https://www.google.com. Here, https is the protocol, and www is a subdomain. You have to purchase a domain name from registrars like Google Domains (URL: https://domains.google) for a specific period, and continue the subscription continuously to keep it under your ownership.
What is domain hosting?
Domain hosting is a service that a domain host provides domain names for websites or custom email accounts. You purchase a domain name from a domain host (or domain name registrar). The domain host registers the domain on your behalf and manages it.
A domain name is much like the address of your home, whereas web hosting is like the space of your house, where you place your furniture.
Our Whois Web Hosting Checker can check any domain name and display its Whois data, from which you can find the domain name registrar's information and registration details.
What is web hosting?
Web hosting is a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page onto the Internet.
A web host (i.e., web hosting provider) is the company that has the servers, which render that website or page to be viewed by online users. Basically, there are five different types of hosting from shared, virtual private server (VPS), dedicated, colocation to cloud hosting that you can use for your website, depending on budgets and needs.
What is shared hosting?
Shared hosting is an Internet hosting which provides you with a certain portion of server resources for your data and websites. In shared hosting, the web hosting accounts are hosted on the same physical server, sharing resources. Each account can typtically host one to serveral websites. Most free and some paid (e.g., $1/mo) hosting packages allow only one website to be hosted. If you have more than one website to be hosted, just first check with the hosting provider to see if it is allowed.
As the cost of shared hosting is the lowest among the five types of web hosting, beginners of web development are recommended to employ shared hosting initially.
What is VPS hosting?
Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting is a type of Internet hosting that allows fewer users to use isolated instances (i.e., virtual servers / machines) on the same physical / dedicated server.
Unlike shared web hosting, not all resources are shared on a VPS. The overall CPU time and memory (RAM) are shared across all virtual servers on the physical server. But at the same time, only fixed portions of those resources are allocated to each VPS. This allows for more power than being on a shared web host, thus enables each user on the VPS to function independently without annoyance from any other users. Hence, we can view VPS hosting as a smaller version of dedicated hosting, and the price of VPS is just a fraction of those for dedicated hosting.
Since each private server is allotted certain amount of RAM and CPU time, VPS generally comes at a higher price than shared hosting.
What is dedicated hosting?
Dedicated hosting or server is an Internet hosting in which a physical server (machine) is dedicated to a single business client. The client has complete control over the machine, so they can choose their favourite operating system and web server software. By changing the server configuration, they can optimize the server for their own requirements, including performance, security and features. The web host provides the physical server and its hosting environment, the associated maintenance service and technical support for their clients.
Dedicated hosting is ideal for websites or web applications with a lot of visitors daily. And the price of dedicated hosting is expensive, often over USD 100 a month.
What is cloud hosting?
Cloud hosting is a type of Internet hosting on the cloud computing platform (also known as public cloud or just cloud).
The cloud is simply a network of physical and virtual servers running together to form a hosting environment. Such a system of servers is distributed around the globe. Because of its extent, hosting a website or an application on the cloud ensures performance, scalability and flexibility. The interconnected (virtual) servers have backup of the cloud applications or websites. That means that if one virtual server malfunctions (or is down), the other servers of the cloud will respond and quickly take the place of the down server. Thus, the website users' accessibility to online resources is almost guaranteed too.
Cloud hosting is especially suited to host websites with a very large number of visitors, as multiple, distributed servers can operate to address the sites' high traffic demand.
You can use our Whois Web Hosting Checker to find out if a site employs cloud hosting. Popular choices of cloud providers include Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services and Alibaba Cloud. If you are interested in utilizing the cloud technology for your sites or applications, you can just check on their websites for details and then decide on a cloud provider / hosting plan that best fits your requirements and budgets.
What is application hosting?
Application hosting is a type of software as a service (SaaS) that allows applications (e.g., mobile app files or databases) to be stored and executed in the cloud, and to be accessed by Internet users. In SaaS, the operating system and other necessary software are installed and maintained by the hosting provider, so the customers can solely concentrate on developing their apps. That is a strong point of SaaS. Examples of SaaS companies are Google, Zoho, and Oracle.
What is server hosting?
Server hosting, also known as managed hosting, refers to an organization's lease of a server from a hosting service provider, and outsourcing of its associated server management to that provider. This hosting provider is called a managed service provider (MSP). Most MSPs today can offer cloud server, dedicated server, or VPS management options to their clients, depending on their specific needs.
You can use our Website Hosting Checker to check websites / IP addresses to find out their hosting services and see if they provide managed hosting solutions for your needs.
What is colocation hosting?
Colocation hosting is a service that a hosting provider leases data center (or colo) space to customers who own their servers. A colo host typically provides floor space, power, network service, cooling, and physical security to host the customers' server hardware. In essence, the host simply operates the data center, and the customers manage their own servers.
Colocation is a cost-effective hosting option as compared to on-premise hosting, where the customer has to take care of the cost and complexity of all those colo-related services and tasks.
Our Website Hosting Checker can be used to identify the hosting provider and also check the location of its data center, of any supplied website / IP address. By the way, it is always a good idea to select a colo that is nearest to your business for management and maintenance convenience.
What is DNS?
DNS stands for "Domain Name System", which is a system (or protocol) which translates the website's domain name to the server computer's IP address, eventually letting you load the web resources that you want access to. DNS servers store records of these domain name / IP address associations for all registered domain names. Each such record is called a DNS record. Using the technique of DNS, you can also do a reverse DNS query (rDNS) to look up the domain name associated with a given IP address, though not all IP addresses have an assigned domain name.
There are hundreds of millions of DNS servers distributed across the world, acting together to serve billions of domain name records each day. The name servers (NSs) of a domain are the DNS servers that host DNS records for that domain. Normally, two NSs are needed for each domain name to increase reliability.
Our Whois Web Hosting Checker is capable of determining the NSs of any given domain name.
What is domain Whois lookup?
Whois is a widely-used Internet record listing that identifies who owns a domain name, and how to contact the owner. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regulates domain name registration, ownership and renewal.
A domain Whois lookup queries the domain name registry's Whois database, which contains valuable information including the registration dates, the name servers, the most recent update and the expiry date of the domain. In other words, a Whois record check gives us the status of the domain name.
Our Whois Web Hosting Checker definitely has this domain Whois lookup functionality.
What is PHP (web) hosting?
PHP hosting is web hosting that reads and executes a PHP script to render web pages.
PHP is a popular open-source server-side language. According to the W3Techs survey, 79.1% of websites with a known server-side programming language use PHP.
As PHP is a server-side technology, it runs on your web hosting server (back-end). When a client (front-end) requests a page from their web browser, the browser contacts the hosting server and requests that page to be returned. If that web page contains any PHP code, the server will process it and then generate an HTML page to send to the client.
You can install PHP with ease on any VPS or dedicated server / host, and most shared hosting providers have PHP already installed on their web servers. You can often tell whether a website uses the PHP programming language by looking at its URLs. If the filename extension is .php or .phtml, the site does make use of PHP. Alternatively, you can employ an online web tech checker, such as AwesomeTechStack, to check if the site utilizes the PHP technology or not.
What is WordPress (WP) hosting?
WordPress is a free and very popular open-source content management system (CMS). WordPress hosting is a sort of web hosting that has WordPress pre-installed, plus the hosting servers are optimized to house WordPress-powered blogs / websites securely and efficiently. Because of WordPress's popularity as a CMS, WordPress hosting is offered by almost all website hosting providers.
You can use our Website Hosting Checker to check any WordPress site and identify its hosting provider. After that, go to the provider's website and check on the different WordPress hosting plans. When choosing a hosting package, you consider not just the price, but should also the level and expertise of technical support the provider promises.
What is email hosting?
Email hosting is an Internet service in which a hosting provider operates and rents out email servers to its clients. It allows individuals and businesses to send, receive, and store emails using custom domain-based email (e.g., contact@mycompany.com) accounts. These days, you will find most hosting providers offer shared web / email hosting as a bundle at affordable rates.
You can utilize our Website Hosting Checker to discover where is an email address hosted. Just enter its (custom) domain name in our Url field, then you will get hosting information such as its provider's name / organization, and the mail server's IP address and time zone. Our site is a handy tool to check on before you want to sign up for any website / email hosting plan.
What is the difference between Linux and Windows hosting?
Linux is an open source of the UNIX Operating System (OS) developed originally by the GNU Project. It is popular among web development teams.
Linux hosting is compatible with the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Perl / Python) web-development platform. This supports web frameworks like WordPress, Drupal, ZenCart and other top CMS that are great for developers or those new to building websites. In contrast, Windows uses the proprietary Windows as the server OS. This makes use of Windows-specific technologies like ASP and .Net. Windows and Linux have similar features, and can be compatible with key application tasks.